stalloni - stud dogs - Deckrüden

Faxe of Dark Doom

(Bale of Dark Doom x Aydi vom Scheinwerferberg)


HD0 / ED 0/0, OCD free, DM N/N free, LÜW/LTV 0,Spondylose free, Cauda equina free, SDCA 1 N/N, SDCA 2 N/carrier - My dog DNA (over 200 results), KBR/KBR (Laboklin)
IGP BH VT, in IGP Training 

owner/handler/breeder: Günther Burkhart (Italy)

aikofdarkdoom, of dark doom, stallone, studdog, pastoreolandeseitalia, trofeoenci

Aik of Dark Doom

(Centurio Le Gladiateur x Call me Cleo of Flying Attacks)


frozen semen available 

HD0 / ED 0/0, OCD free, DM N/N free, SDCA 1+2 N/N free, LÜW/LTV 0, cauda equina free, DNA profile, kbr/kby
BH, BgH1-3, IPO3, I FH V


Bale of Dark 

 (Centurio Le Gladiateur x Call me Cleo of Flying Attacks) 


HD0 / ED 0/0, OCD free, DM N/N free, LÜW/LTV 0, Rücken ohne Befund
BH VT, I BgH 1, I BgH 2, I BgH 3, SAR dog, detection, mantrailing, tracking

owner: Jacqueline Musil (Austria - Wien)

pastoreolandeseitalia, allevamento, mondioring, pastoreolandeseitalia, barack

Barrack of Dark 

 (Centurio Le Gladiateur x Call me Cleo of Flying Attacks) 


HD0 / ED 0/0, OCD free, DM N/N free, SDCA 1+2 N/N free, LÜW/LTV 0,   kbr/kby
I BH, IGP 1,  Mondioring preparation

owner: Dorotha Kawka (PL)